Sometimes introducing yourself can seem a little daunting, especially when you’re talking to a stranger you have never met before for the first time. It’s the same with building your brand’s image.
The best way, is to keep it simple. Traditional ways of storytelling can set your brand apart from everyone else, just make sure it’s unforgettable.
Storytelling is a powerful way to give life to your brand and is one of the main components of a content marketing approach. Giving identify and personality to your brand will allow your audience to gain a personal connection, for you to be authentic and to find your brand’s voice in the market.
Successful campaigns are certain that they fully understand their audience before they begin. Knowing how they think and what they want can make a huge difference. This way you can make sense of your own brand and how it will have an effective impact.
The best way to tell a story dates back thousands of years and is one way of passing knowledge. It is an ancient tradition between a storyteller and their audience where people become physically close, developing a connection with one another through an experience.
You as the storyteller will reveal and share through your telling and your audience will share themselves through listening and through their perception of the story. So make sure that your story is different and special. That way, your customers will remember you and your brand.
Following a few simple steps can keep your audience hooked and raise their impulse, so let’s go back to basics. Each story follows the same structure; situation, disruption and equilibrium. Businesses however, follow an extra step – action – and you are the hero who saves the day.
Starting with a calm setting will ease your audience in a steady way without coming across too serious. This is the most important element of a story. Some writers make the mistake of ignoring where their stories take place and you as a brand need to know where you’re starting off. Even if the setting isn’t that important, you need to know the world where your story takes place. If you don’t know, then who will?
Then, once they’re comfortable and ready to here what’s next, you can surprise them with an imbalance. Suspension then builds as they anticipate with what is still to come.
Everyone loves a hero and empathy, so you as a brand are their hero as you are trying to make the world a better place, regardless of the hurdles. This equilibrium satisfies the audience and leaves them feeling positive and attached.
Needless to say, do not brag about your brand and remember that storytelling doesn’t initially have to be about a person. It can simply be writing about emotions. Either way, the aim of storytelling is to engage and stimulate responses. Why? What? Where? When? How?
Be on a level where the audience can relate with you and so that they can understand why your brand exists, why you have developed products, services or campaigns and what difference you are going to make. At the end of the day, everyone loves a good story.