Chartered marketers at your service…
Fully integrated marketing agency support from Chartered marketers that will make a difference to your business.
Chartered Marketer status is the mark of an up to date, experienced and qualified marketing professional. It is marketing’s highest grade and is awarded exclusively by The Chartered Institute of Marketing in recognition of outstanding practical experience and expertise. Maintaining the Chartered Marketer status is an on-going process for staff at BMIG and demonstrates BMIG’s commitment to developing skills and knowledge in marketing.
BMIG founder Nahim Choudhury, is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. He is also a Chartered Marketer, having reached the highest standards of training and qualification. It is also the mark of a marketing professional committed to keeping their knowledge up-to-date and pledged to uphold a professional code of standards.
As an employer, BMIG encourages our staff to become CIM members as their careers develop with us. It means you can be sure of a quality service from us.
Next Previous Quality Gauranteed
Quality is not an act, it is a habit.''
Quality means doing it right, even when no one is looking.''
Quality is never an accident, it is always the result if intelligent effort.''
Quality is everyone's responsibility and we never have to stop getting better.''
It takes less time to do things right than to explain why you did it wrong.''
Quality in marketing is the difference between being average or being number one.''
Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten.''
Quality in a product or a service is not what you put into it, it is what the customer gets out of it.''
Give them quality, that is the best kind of advertising.''